Fast Forward
Thursday 8 Feb 2024—Monday 1 Apr 2024
Fast Forward is an employability programme which supports under- employed, and unemployed and, low-income creatives aged 18-30 from Lambeth into careers in the creative and cultural industries. We offer courses looking into specific aspects reas of the Creative and Cultural Industries, offering everyone the opportunity to increase and refresh their creative and digital skills, enhance their networks, gain valuable work experience, increase employability and develop the confidence to progress their careers. step up into employment. Course areas include Visual Arts and Curation, Creative Production and Events, Craft and Creative Enterprise, and Art Handling and Technician Skills.
In 2024, the schedule of courses will be:
8 February - 1 March —Visual Arts and Curation
March: Wraparound and 1-2-1 support
April: Creative Production and Events
May: Wraparound and 1-2-1 support
June: Craft and Creative Enterprise
July: Wraparound and 1-2-1 support
August: (Summer school - no FF courses) Networking event
September: Art Handling and Technician Skills
“I feel much more comfortable working and thinking outside the box now. People here have helped me to try new things and experiment. I would never have thought of doing things this way [with my his photography] but it has been very helpful to have people to bounce ideas with.”
“I think I have an understanding of how to create a roadmap for my creative career for the first time. I think I have improved immensely through the course.”'
“I have created and launched a social media account and website for my work for the first time. I've been afraid to put myself out there but it feels good to have that support to do it.”'
“I can understand what networking means now. It's not a big mystery, it's just about finding people I can work with and who I believe in and believe in me.”'
"I'd say that the Fast Forward sessions helped grow my confidence, which helped me better navigate creative professional settings."
"I stepped out of my comfort zone and improved my confidence."
"I found learning about interview skills actually very interesting and I learnt more about myself and that the experience I have is valuable to talk about."
"It was very engaging. I thought there was good variety of speakers, so there was always something I would be interested in."
"Thanks 198. This short course has shaped my future."
"I'd say that the Fast Forward sessions helped grow my confidence, which helped me better navigate creative professional settings."
"It's very friendly and I feel happy here!"
"I have used the very practical sessions (networking, job interview practice, CV talks etc) to apply for jobs and I have recently landed a job. For the jobs I didn't get, I received feedback and I feel like I'm in a much stronger place now going forward in this area. I feel more confident in how to approach this, and I have experience now to back this up. Florence was particularly helpful here."